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Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue,Replica Christian Bernard Watches and a sixpence in your shoe -is one of the best known traditions about your wedding day.Across different cultures there are lots of traditions and superstitions surrounding the biggest day of your life! A British superstition is to have a chimney sweep present at the wedding for good luck, and even nowadays some couples will employ one to come if they dont know a chimney sweep personally! Whether you are superstitious or not, like most brides-to-be, you will spend months or years planning on how to look and feel your best on this special day.This article describes ways to choose bridal crystal jewellery based on your month of birth and also taking into consideration the symbolism of each crystal. The jewellery you choose to complement your dress, hair, eyes, skin and your natural look will be an important choice for you, and bridal crystal jewellery can work perfectly to pick up the shades and light of your wedding theme. You will want to look fresh and stylish on the day, not overly adorned, so bear this in mind when you are choosing your bridal Replica Christian Bernard Watches.It should be a continuation of your wedding theme, which includes your dress, hair, shoes, and also the look of the rest of your wedding party, venues and flowers. In the midst of all the hectic planning remember to enjoy yourself and have fun with all the traditions. If you choose bridal crystal jewellery you can wear it again after the big day (unlike your wedding dress!) and it will bring back the wonderful memories.You could choose according to the month you were born. Many people like to wear jewellery with their birthstone and of course whether this is possible will depend on the colour scheme you have chosen. You may prefer to choose by the colour of the jewel itself, the symbolic meaning behind it just because it is beautiful.For January the birthstone is garnet, which is a stunning deep red colour and symbolizes fire, faith, grace, truth and fidelity.February stone is a lovely purple stone, the amethyst, which the Greeks believed would prevent becoming drunk! The amethyst should bring you pleasant dreams, and is a protective stone which can stop feeling of fear and guilt Replica Christian Bernard Watches.