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You must find the right buyer's agent to work with you on finding properties. The buyer's agent that you work with must meet the following criteria:You wouldn't go to Burger King and ask for a bucket of chicken, would you? Yet many investors will attempt to work with an agent that is used to working with first time home owners and expect to have success. You must have someone in your corner that knows the territory and knows what to expect. The market for real estate investors is very different than that of a homeowner looking for a house in which to live.

The real estate agent must understand not only the value of comparable sales and how needed repairs affect a sales price, but a myriad of other real estate investing specific criteria. You also want an agent that is used to Bank Owned (REO) properties, Government owned properties (HUDs), etc.All profitable investors must be creative and go against conventional wisdom at times. You must have an agent that thinks like you and is not offended if you are making a creative offer or attempting to put together a creative transaction.

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