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Now you watch the online content on the TV too.If you take a large screen TV, add theater seats and a great sound system, then you have home viewing that may by better than what your local theater provides. And the way to get that movie onto the TV screen from the online providers has broadened too.One way to recycle a no longer used or just outdated computer is to pretty much dedicate it to your online TV viewing. It can stay linked up by the cable and be ready any time. No more landfills full of laptops, or at least not as many.

No one is going to complain about that.Of course if you are a cable subscriber online viewing is easy. Actually, if it has a screen you can probably watch online. Gaming platforms and set top boxes are common. And if you like to squint, you can use your cell phone.There may be some of the thrill of the movie theater missing when you watch online. You might miss the wads of old gum under the seats or your shoes sticking to the floor. Or maybe you will not miss that. Just, lean back in your theater style, reclining seat, with the cup holder.

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